Free parking at the Village

Meet the Artist of March!

Meet the Artist of March!

Tuulia Uoti is an intuitive artist working as an art entrepreneur in Orimattila's Pennala. Tuulia Uoti's paintings are unique and individual acrylic works created by listening to intuition. Each painting is crafted with love and guided by feeling. The paintings often feature abstract style, playful use of colors, surprises, texture, and a touch of magic. They are often created without grand plans, following the artist's current mood, and the result is usually a complete surprise.

Tuulia Uoti also takes custom works based on wishes and thoughts, creating something lovely and meaningful. All available artworks can be purchased from the online store or by contacting the artist directly. For more information on available artworks, visit Follow Tuulia Uoti on Instagram @tuuliauoti_art.

Tuulia's stunning exhibition is on display in our shopping village from March 1st to March 31st, 2024. The exhibition space is located on the corridor leading to HopLopi, on the second floor. Tervetuloa tutustumaan!

Do you want to host your own exhibition at Helsinki Outlet? Contact us by email at